Manuals, Guidance, Book Chapters and reports

Making the Case with Strategic Information: Young Key Populations at Higher Risk of HIV in Asia and the Pacific. UNICEF, Bangkok, Thailand, 2013.  

Download here: YKP_book_15Aug13.pdf

Understanding key terms and data related to HIV: Handbook for adolescents and young key populations at higher risk of HIV exposure in Asia and the Pacific. UNICEF, Bangkok, Thailand, 2015.  Download here:

Johnston, LG. 2014. Sampling Migrants: How Respondent Driven Sampling Works; Johnston, LG & Luthra, R. 2014. Analyzing data in Respondent Driven Sampling; and, Johnston, LG & Rodriquez L. 2014. Measuring Personal Network Size in Respondent Driven Sampling. In Applying Respondent Driven Sampling to Migrant Populations: Lessons from the Field. Eds. Tyldum G & Johnston LG. Palgrave, London, UK. 2014 


Johnston, LG and Malekinejad M. Respondent-Driven Sampling for Migrant Populations. In Migration and Health: A Research Methods Handbook. Eds. Castaneda VMB, Rodriguez-Lai Schenker X. Oakland, California : University of California Press, 2014.